1-with USB medium (boot-able pen drive)
2-with window DVD

First of all insert the medium through which you are wanted to install the window. If you want to install the window through pen drive then first make it boot-able and take extract form of window in the bootable pen drive and insert it in the USB port of your computer in which your want to install window.
If you want to install window with DVD then insert the DVD in DVD slot.

In this step shut down the system and start again and press ESC button again and again until the setup menu is not appear. Once the setup menu is appear from there select the medium through you are installing the medium. If you are installing the through the pen drive then select the USB pen drive or DVD. And press enter key.

Here you will get a blue color window in that you get written Install and one more option of language selection. In the language selection you select the language English (EN English (United State)). And click on install.

Now you will get a small window in which will show your all drives. Select the drive in which drive you are want to install. First format that drive. Select that drive and click next.

This step takes long time to complete the installation. In this step installation process happen. When this step is completed window will be automatically shut down. Start your computer now your system is ready to use with window 7.

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