Single chip microprocessor was introduced by Intel in 1971, called Intel 4004. Before this, few hundreds of transistors were used and placed on a circuit board and then few numbers of these boards were used as processor. It was 4-bit processor which actually revolutionized the embedding system. Microprocessor increased the reliability as the design was simplified and there were few electrical connections. Then in 1972, Intel came up with the world�s first 8-bit processor Intel 8008. But the Intel 8080, introduces in 1974, became the integral part of personal computer and was used in MITS Altair 8800 computer and machines running CP/M operating System. In 1976 Intel introduced 16-bit 8086 processor which was later used to devise 8088 by IBM for the first PC. Major breakthrough can be dedicated to Pentium which was released in 1993, which had a speed of 60 MHz and could process data like images, handwriting, voice etc. In 2006 Intel come up with core Processor, which has speed of 1.6 GHz and consist of multiple cores.

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