USB (Universal Serial Bus)
USB was introduced in January 1996. The idea was to standardize the connectivity of the devices. Also these devices were not plug-and-play devices. It was actually the brain child of seven different companies-Microsoft, IBM, Intel, Compaq, Nortel, DEC and NEC. The data transfer rate was also high as compared to the other ports. For USB 1.0 it was 1.5 Mb/s, referred to as low speed, and 12 Mb/s as full speed. Later in April 200, USB 2.0 was released with a maximum high speed data transfer of 480 Mb/s. now in 2008 USB 3.0 was also launched with a maximum transfer rate of 5 Gb/s. there is no doubt that USB has change the way we connect our devices to computer.

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