A man takes his seat at a FIFA world cup final.
He looks to his left & notices that there is a spare seat betwen himself & the next guy.
MAN: "who would ever miss the FIFA world cup final?"
GUY: "that was my wife's seat.
We have been to the last five world cup finals together,
but sadly she passed away."
We have been to the last five world cup finals together,
but sadly she passed away."
MAN: "oh... that's terrible, and very sweet of you to have her here symbolically by having a vacant seat .. ..
but these are expensive tickets; couldn't you have brought another family member, friend or someone else with you?"
but these are expensive tickets; couldn't you have brought another family member, friend or someone else with you?"
GUY: "no...
they are all at her funeral!"
they are all at her funeral!"
Men will be men....
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