We no longer have a story to tell no voice offering provocation to initiative nothing that gives me a desire to fill in the blanks or say thanks when a lyric is finished, make me feel like you've accomplished a mission when you pour words into verse like water for those who thirst forknowledge. Make me understand what it means to reach down into the bowels of profundity and steal inspiration from the jaws of simplicity, give me a memory worth remembering, like I wanna be there again. put me in a place that I've never been, and make me feel at home, like I'm known 

We're starvin' for creativity! maybe contemporary poets have no proclivity to inspire, but light me a fire with no match only matched words that match verse to hurts attach worth and work the love that ventilates hate through pores that relate purpose to dreams, and realize thescreams 

Then offer me a recipe for motivation mental stimulation creating balance, I need to be challenged not just energized by canned stamina, I don't need all the answers, just relate take my pain, love, and appetite, write! add it to a mic and ignite minds like trinitrotoluene. offer me a dream without sleep then pinch me when I arrive so I know that it's real, make me feel what you feel without being who you are, but knowing your hart, remind me of what it means to live, give me a reason to breathe and it's not I'm suicidal but my survival has an imperative thirst forillumination but we seem to be stuck in the dark ages pacing, platforms promoting popularity unable to define the value, of souls we sell for the sake of ambition without conviction and I'm convinced that it's impossible to listen...!!!

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