"Everyone Has The Right 2 Freedom Of Opinion & Expression This Right Includes Freedom 2 Hold Opinions Without Interference & 2 Seek, Receive & Impart Information & Ideas Through Any Media & Regardless Of Frontiers...!!!"
"To Deny People Their Human Rights Is 2 Challenge Their Very Humanity...!!!"
Writer: Nelson Mandela...!!!
"I'm Not An Activist I Don't Look 4 Controversy. I'm Not A Political Person, But I'm A Person With Compassion. I Care Passionately About Equal Rights. I Care About Human Rights. I Care About Animal Rights...!!!"
Writer: Ellen DeGeneres...!!!

"If A Country Doesn't Recognize Minority Rights & Human Rights, Including Women's Rights, U Will Not Have The Kind Of Stability & Prosperity That Is Possible...!!!"
Writer: Hillary Clinton...!!!
"I Believe All Americans Who Believe In Freedom, Tolerance & Human Rights Have A Responsibility 2 Oppose Bigotry & Prejudice Based OnSexual Orientation...!!!"
Writer: Coretta Scott King...!!!
"In My Country Of South Africa, We Struggled 4 Years Against The Evil System Of Apartheid That Divided Human Beings, Children Of The Same God, By Racial Classification & Then Denied Many Of Them FundamentalHuman Rights...!!!"
Writer: Desmond Tutu...!!!
"Life Is Not A Matter Of Place, Things Or Comfort Rather, It Concerns The Basic Human Rights Of Family, Country, Justice & Human Dignity...!!!"
Writer: Imelda Marcos...!!!
"Fundamental Violations Of Human Rights Always Lead 2 People Feeling Less & Less Human...!!!"
Writer: Aung San Suu Kyi...!!!

"Human Rights Is A Universal Standard. It Is A Component Of Every Religion & Every Civilization...!!!"
Writer: Shirin Ebadi...!!!
"For This Generation, ours, Life Is Nuclear Survival, Liberty Is Human Rights, The Pursuit Of Happiness Is A Planet Whose Resources R Devoted 2 The Physical & Spiritual Nourishment Of Its Inhabitants...!!!"
Writer: Jimmy Carter...!!!
"The Universal Declaration Of Human Rights Describes The Family As The Natural & Fundamental Unit Of Society. It Follows That Any Choice And Decision With Regard 2 The Size Of The Family Must Irrevocably Rest With The Family Itself, & Cannot B Made By Anyone Else...!!!"
Writer: Garrett Hardin...!!!
"I've Used The Prestige & Influence Of Having Been A President Of The United States As Effectively As Possible. & Secondly, I've Still Been Able 2 Carry Out My Commitments 2 Peace & Human Rights & Environmental Quality & Freedom & Democracy & So Forth...!!!"
Writer: Jimmy Carter...!!!
"I Must Study Politics & War That My Sons May Have Liberty 2 Study Mathematics  & Philosophy...!!!"
Writer: John Adams...!!!

"Although V R In Different Boats U In Ur Boat & We In Our Canoe We Share The Same River Of Life...!!!"
Writer: Dom Helder Camara...!!!
"The Evolution Of The Human Rights Movement Clearly IllustratesHumanity's Ongoing Struggle 2ward Creating A Better World...!!!" 
"The Connection Between Women's Human Rights, Gender Equality, Socio-economic Development & Peace Is Increasingly Apparent...!!!"
Writer: Mahnaz Afkhami...!!!
"In The Future, Human Rights Will B Increasingly A Universal Criterion 4 Designing Ethical Systems...!!!"
Writer: Mahnaz Afkhami...!!!
"The right To Development Is The Measure Of The Respect Of All Other Human Rights.That Should B Our Aim: A Situation In Which All Individuals R Enabled 2 Maximize Their Potential, & 2 Contribute 2 The Evolution Of Society As A Whole...!!!"
Writer: Kofi Annan...!!! 

"The Sad Truth Is That Most Evil Is Done By People Who Never Make Up Their Minds 2 B Either Good Or Evil...!!!" 
Writer: Hannah Arendt...!!!
"Silence Never Won Rights. They R Not Handed Down From Above They R Forced By Pressures From Below...!!!"  
Writer: Roger Nash Baldwin...!!!
"Those Who Today Still Feel A Sense Of Impotence Can Do Something They Can Support Amnesty International. They Can Help It 2 Stand Up 4 Freedom & Justice...!!!"" 
Writer: Peter Benenson...!!!
"It's The Publicity Function Of Amnesty That I Think Has Made Its Name So Widely Known, Not Only 2 Readers In The World, But 2 Governments & That's What Matters...!!!" 
Writer: Peter Benenson...!!!
"You Can Imprison A Man, But Not An Idea. U Can Exile A Man, But Not An Idea. U Can Kill A Man, But Not An Idea...!!!" 
Writer: Benazir Bhutto...!!!

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